Case Study 5
Case Study 05:
Medical Device Prototyping and IP Creation
Project Objectives
Creation of Intellectual Property (IP) for energy-based interventional medical devices, and the evolution of prototypes on the basis of filed patent applications
Execution of Project
In executing on the project objectives, Enable Life Sciences:
· Led synergistic brainstorming and ideation sessions involving 3 client sites (1 based in China and 2 based in the US). These included on-site brainstorming sessions in China and the US
· Led the creation of a family of 4 filed patent applications with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Participants from both the China and US sites of the client ended up as co-inventors, based on their contributions.
· Oversaw the project efforts at a 3rd contract entity (chosen and recommended to the client by Enable Life Sciences), which resulted in the creation of 3-D working prototypes of the energy based interventional medical devices conceptualized in the patent applications
Concrete Project Outcomes
The efforts by Enable Life Sciences on behalf of its medical devices client resulted in (a) synergy and collaboration between the client’s R&D sites (b) creation of valuable IP assets, and (c) evolution of 3-D prototypes of the innovative medical device concepts, thus forming a basis for downstream VoC (Voice of Customer) efforts with the surgeon communities in both developed and emerging markets